Friday, October 30, 2020
6:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Free and open to the public
Location: Zoom
The Rockwell Museum is honored to host Gigi Alvaré, recipient of a 2020 NYSCA funded Individual Artist Grant Award, as she presents “Homage to the Recurring Themes in My Life”. Inspired by Kamishibai, a Japanese street theater and storytelling form popular during the Depression of the 1930s and the post-WWII period in Japan, this project is made possible, in part, with public funds from NYSCA’s Decentralization Program, administered regionally by The ARTS Council of the Southern Finger Lakes.
The program will commence with a short (virtually, live) theatrical narrative centered on eight oil paintings created to illustrate recurring images and symbols that have appeared in Gigi’s artwork throughout her life which will emerge as a kind of mythic creation story. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A hosted by Willa Vogel which will explore an archeological dig into Gigi’s own language of symbols shedding light on our commonality as humans searching for meaning.
As part of this project, Gigi created a series of short videos with her niece and nephew that invited viewers to respond to “guiding questions” with their written reflections on particular symbols. The program will conclude with a reading of these responses and poetic reflections. The intention of the performance and audience participation is to spark awareness of mythopoetic connection or collective unconscious within our individual daily lives and with each other, and to inspire imaginative playfulness, especially during this unprecedented time.
Gigi Alvaré is a recipient of a 2020 NYSCA funded Individual Artist Grant Award. This project is made possible, in part, with public funds from NYSCA’s Decentralization Program, administered regionally by The ARTS Council of the Southern Finger Lakes.
About Gigi Alvaré
Gigi Alvaré is an educator, artist and performer. From 2001 to 2018 she served as the Director of Education at The Rockwell Museum in Corning, New York – and prior to that a teaching-artist, actor, illustrator, and playwright, conducting programs in schools and art centers throughout New York State. As a performer, Alvaré has performed at a variety of Off Off Broadway theaters including La Mama Etc. As an artist, her work has been exhibited throughout New York State at galleries and art centers. She was awarded the Lifetime Service Award by the Arts Council of the Southern Finger Lakes in 2018.
ZoomFree and open to the public
Location: Zoom
The Rockwell Museum is honored to host Gigi Alvaré, recipient of a 2020 NYSCA funded Individual Artist Grant Award, as she presents “Homage to the Recurring Themes in My Life”. Inspired by Kamishibai, a Japanese street theater and storytelling form popular during the Depression of the 1930s and the post-WWII period in Japan, this project is made possible, in part, with public funds from NYSCA’s Decentralization Program, administered regionally by The ARTS Council of the Southern Finger Lakes.
The program will commence with a short (virtually, live) theatrical narrative centered on eight oil paintings created to illustrate recurring images and symbols that have appeared in Gigi’s artwork throughout her life which will emerge as a kind of mythic creation story. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A hosted by Willa Vogel which will explore an archeological dig into Gigi’s own language of symbols shedding light on our commonality as humans searching for meaning.
As part of this project, Gigi created a series of short videos with her niece and nephew that invited viewers to respond to “guiding questions” with their written reflections on particular symbols. The program will conclude with a reading of these responses and poetic reflections. The intention of the performance and audience participation is to spark awareness of mythopoetic connection or collective unconscious within our individual daily lives and with each other, and to inspire imaginative playfulness, especially during this unprecedented time.
Gigi Alvaré is a recipient of a 2020 NYSCA funded Individual Artist Grant Award. This project is made possible, in part, with public funds from NYSCA’s Decentralization Program, administered regionally by The ARTS Council of the Southern Finger Lakes.
About Gigi Alvaré
Gigi Alvaré is an educator, artist and performer. From 2001 to 2018 she served as the Director of Education at The Rockwell Museum in Corning, New York – and prior to that a teaching-artist, actor, illustrator, and playwright, conducting programs in schools and art centers throughout New York State. As a performer, Alvaré has performed at a variety of Off Off Broadway theaters including La Mama Etc. As an artist, her work has been exhibited throughout New York State at galleries and art centers. She was awarded the Lifetime Service Award by the Arts Council of the Southern Finger Lakes in 2018.