• Rockwell Ambassador-Only | Museum Field Trip: John W. Jones Museum

    Saturday, August 12, 2023
    12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

    Open to Rockwell Ambassadors | $5 Registration required; space is limited


    Rockwell Ambassadors are invited to an offsite trip to the John W. Jones Museum. A group tour of the historic home will be followed by snacks and conversation. Attendees will have the option to meet directly at the Jones Museum or to carpool from The Rockwell Museum, where John W. Jones and his legacy connect to works on view in Fighters for Freedom: William H. Johnson Picturing Justice.

    Elmira, NY was the home of John W. Jones, who escaped enslavement, found prosperity as the sexton of historic Woodlawn Cemetery, and assisted 800 fugitives escaping enslavement in successfully reaching Canada. To learn more about Jones’s life and legacy with Talima Aaron, who currently serves as Board President for the John W. Jones Museum and was part of The Rockwell Museum’s lecture series earlier this year, watch The Life and Legacy of John W. Jones with Talima Aaron >>

    As with all Rockwell Ambassadors events, you might learn something new and meet someone new—bring your curiosity and questions!

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