• Experimental Translation: Sight vs Sound with Amelia Harnas

    Saturday, May 12, 2018
    1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

    Add to Calendar 05/12/2018 1:30 PM 05/12/2018 2:30 PM America/New_York Experimental Translation: Sight vs Sound with Amelia Harnas

    Saturday, May 12, 2018 | 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.

    This is a presentation of Bare Bones Café, a community-sourced museum experience included with regular Rockwell admission. Refreshments will be available. Full schedule

    Artist Amelia Harnas continues to explore experimental translation in this interactive experience. Visitors will be invited to “view” a short film – but first must decide if they will experience the program deaf (with earplugs) or blind (with a blindfold).

    Harnas explores themes of intimacy and language in this interactive performance designed to arouse a deeper appreciation of how layers of communication and language are so crucial in all human relationships.

    About the Artist

    A chameleonic kind of artist, Amelia Fais Harnas delights in the agile navigation of the various creative disciplines that light her up. Best known for her portraits made with red wine, she has dedicated much of her energies toward portraiture and figurative work in both classical and newer media. However, she is more than a visual artist; she co-founded and has been coordinating The Hours Festivals for the past seven years; she has performed as a singer with the bands Ah Holly Fam’ly, Galveston, and The Areyoumadatme?s in Portland, OR.; lastly, Amelia is a dancer at heart, having studied and performed with Lois Welk, as well as improvised with Rhonda Morton in Alligator Mouth Five.


    The Rockwell Museum, 111 Cedar St. Corning, NY 14830

    Saturday, May 12, 2018 | 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.

    This is a presentation of Bare Bones Café, a community-sourced museum experience included with regular Rockwell admission. Refreshments will be available. Full schedule

    Artist Amelia Harnas continues to explore experimental translation in this interactive experience. Visitors will be invited to “view” a short film – but first must decide if they will experience the program deaf (with earplugs) or blind (with a blindfold).

    Harnas explores themes of intimacy and language in this interactive performance designed to arouse a deeper appreciation of how layers of communication and language are so crucial in all human relationships.

    About the Artist

    A chameleonic kind of artist, Amelia Fais Harnas delights in the agile navigation of the various creative disciplines that light her up. Best known for her portraits made with red wine, she has dedicated much of her energies toward portraiture and figurative work in both classical and newer media. However, she is more than a visual artist; she co-founded and has been coordinating The Hours Festivals for the past seven years; she has performed as a singer with the bands Ah Holly Fam’ly, Galveston, and The Areyoumadatme?s in Portland, OR.; lastly, Amelia is a dancer at heart, having studied and performed with Lois Welk, as well as improvised with Rhonda Morton in Alligator Mouth Five.